Friday, April 1, 2016

Proposal Update

The deadline for my group proposal is approaching. We divided the proposal into sections and each group member has a section to be working on about the content we already discussed in class. We decided we are adding the whole new major relating to speech therapy instead of just a few classes on it. We think this is a better way to attract the audience we are hoping for.

My job was to complete the audience and purpose section of the proposal. I have finished my section and in it I discuss how this major will provide students with the opportunity to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Communication Science and the choice to stay at Pitt Johnstown. For a student attending the Johnstown campus, fulfillment of this major requires transferring to Pitt Oakland after the first two years. Considering tuition prices at Oakland, this will potentially alienate Johnstown’s students from achieving this major. Many students would have spent two years making friends and memories before being forcibly uprooted from Johnstown. Understandably, it would be very upsetting as many students start their collegiate experience friendless. We hope this will help the university gain the recognition it deserves and differentiate itself from neighboring competitors. This will then bring in more money to the university.

An increase in student attendance means more employment opportunities available at the university. Advertising this new, unique major to the area would attract a diverse interest among students and faculty, creating a more diverse, academic community. Students with undeclared majors already attending Johnstown may gain an appealing option, one they may not have considered. An undeclared student benefits from a variety of different options where as speech therapy is one unlike any others that Johnstown has to offer.

A major in Communication Science will appeal to numerous people affiliated with the any University of Pittsburgh campus. This list would include students, professors, administrators, and donors from all University of Pittsburgh locations. This addition would even involve the community members near Pitt Johnstown’s campus due to the lack of speech therapy classes offered near by. Prospective students will be involved with the advantage of the new major that other schools that they are considering may not offer to their students. This major will overall enhance the opportunities for those affiliated with the university.

As we put the final touches on our proposal, we are preparing to give a presentation to our class on Monday. In our presentation, we will touch on each section of our proposal and present it to our class as if they are the curriculum committee of our university.

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