Thursday, March 24, 2016

Class Lecture

For class on Wednesday, we discussed a piece of writing we read entitled "Notes from No Man's Land." In class we discussed this piece relating to how it would help us achieve unity within our groups to succeed while putting together our proposal.

The class talked together about how the different parts of this essay connected, and also where the author signaled these parts and why. We came up with race, conflict, fear, and place to be the similar ideas that were kept throughout the writing.

The author also used techniques to keep the ideas connected in the different sections. We discovered the main key to this was to a provide a variety of specific examples that all led back to the overall main idea. This ensured that the essay all appeared to be connected and not just a bunch of random ideas thrown into the same piece of writing. We also found that consistent thematic language was used, for example the idea of being afraid of something or afraid for their safety. These ideas were all introduced in each section but involving a different situation. The final technique we came up with was the author's use of ideas and themes. Since these ideas and themes sounded familiar throughout the piece, the reader's are able to gain a better understanding of the point the author was trying to get across.

After discussing this piece of writing, our professor had us get into our groups, that I previously wrote about, for our proposal assignment. In class, we used these newly learned techniques to relate it to our proposal assignment. We thought using key ideas and consistent language throughout our writing would be beneficial for us considering that we would be writing the different sections of our proposal separate from our other group members. Our sections include an abstract, problem/need, plan, personnel, budget, time-frame, and the evaluation/progress. We decided it would benefit this proposal to include consistent language about gaining opportunities for both students, staff, the university, and bringing in money. We also discussed incorporating points about diversity for the students and staff. We determined bringing people together with a common interest would be a common key idea throughout our proposal.We believe that our proposal will have better successful after our discussion of implementing these techniques and language consistently.

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