Thursday, March 17, 2016

Upcoming Proposal

My professional writing class has another assignment that we have began the planning stage for. This assignment is a little different from the ones we have previously done. This assignment differs because it requires group work. In groups we will be designing a proposal in response to a need.

The proposal I chose with my partners will be a (pretend) proposal aimed towards our university. We plan to write to the university in hopes to add a speech therapy course to the curriculum. We decided that it would be beneficial for UPJ to provide a course for students who plan to major in speech therapy but do not wish to continue their education at Pitt main. This class would also discuss the brain and how speech disabilities come about from the very beginning.

This proposal is an unsolicited, internal type of proposal. I say unsolicited meaning the organization (UPJ) did not specifically put a request out for proposals to be written. We will provide reasons why there is a need for the course we want to have added. We will also provide a detailed plan as to how we will go about making this additional need successful. It will be internal meaning the authors are a part of a target organization. We are writing this proposal on behalf of the university because we consider ourselves to be a part of a team that helps make it a better place for everyone.

One of my group members is a speech therapy major who plans to continue her education at Pitt main campus. She shared a personal story with us as to why she decided to pursue this major. It is a personal story that we could share with our class during the presentation part of this assignment. This story helped our group members gain a better understanding of the major. It also made us want to pursue this proposal and we hope it would also to be able to convince others of its importance in the university if it would become real.

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