We made it to the final project of Digital Storytelling class! This project is creating a multimedia, interactive digital story. We have created many digital stories now for this class but the difference in this one is that it is required to have an interactive element. This interactive feature can be hypertext, game play, or anything that classifies as interactive. This story must include at least three of the elements we covered in class out of video, image, sound, and text.
I had no immediate ideas pop into my head when first learning about this final project. I first thought I need to figure out a digital platform to put together this project with first. So I did some research and found ideas such as Prezi or Google Docs. I eventually came up with some starting points to go off. I thought about putting together something for a college student with an undeclared major to explore. Or I could go a communication major route for it and have different options of ways they can use the major for a future career. I thought those two ideas could possibly be done on Prezi. I also thought about using my image, video, or audio story by adding addition elements to them on a different platform, yet still keeping the same idea. This may be a good idea for my image story in particular. I could apply it to Google Docs, taking the audience to the different locations. With the location idea, i also thought about doing something with a unique creature that I was introduced to while vacationing in Mexico last summer. This unique creature is called a Coati.
So those are the ideas I have at the moment and I have the rest of my Thanksgiving break/weekend to decide which one would help me create the best final digital story project! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ☺
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