The assignment is to write a review/evaluation that I could potentially have to write in my future communication career. The first thing that came to my mind was a literature review. I have written multiple literature reviews since I have been in college. I have written some for communication classes regarding communication theories and also one for a literature class I took. Since I have already written a few of these, I wanted to expand my knowledge by writing a different type of review. This is where I got stuck. I searched for some ideas using internet sources and also a professor and classmates opinion. I weaved through a series of potential options and came to the conclusion to write an evaluation memo to my professional writing professor regarding a specific form of social media's success.
I believe the multiple, unique features is what draws consumers into the mobile app. One could argue against my accusations, in saying that compared to its competitors, Snapchat is very different and used for different functions thus should not be compared. One could say Snapchat is used for more of a private form of communication whereas, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook is public for the purpose of expressing oneself. This is true, but that privacy feature is exactly the one that makes Snapchat so appealing and interesting to a variety of age groups. The uniqueness of the app cannot be found on other social networking forms of communication.
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